Terrariums Are Making a Major Comeback—Plus 3 More Houseplant Trends for 2024

Keep your houseplant collection up to date with these trending options.

Close up of three terrariums

AJ_Watt / Getty Images

With their striking foliage and calming color palette, houseplants can serve as décor when thoughtfully displayed throughout the home. And like any element of interior design, there are a few houseplant trends that will help inspire your selections each year. For 2024, experts from the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS) are sharing the houseplant trends they saw at this year's Philadelphia Flower Show.


Terrariums are making a major comeback, according to experts at PHS. These miniature ecosystems can accommodate a wide array of plant groups including gesneriads, ferns, and carnivorous plants. Terrariums also give gardeners the opportunity to play with container design, mixing and matching different plants to create a low-maintenance display that works for you.


While aroids, like philodendron, amorphophallus, monstera, and anthurium are already common houseplants, they're not fading in popularity any time soon. These flowering plants are defined by their lush foliage and spiky blossoms.


Begonias—one of Martha's favorite houseplants—saw a surge of popularity at this year's flower show. A wide array of begonia varieties were on display, including Begonia pteridifolium and Begonia montaniformis. 


Gesneriads, the flowering plant family most popularly known for including African violets, also saw tremendous growth in popularity this year. Some notable varieties to add to your houseplant collection include Streptocarpus, Sinningia, Petrocosmia, Primulina, and Kohleria.

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