How Often You Should Water Your Vegetable Garden, According to Experts

Here's what to consider when establishing a watering schedule that will make your garden thrive.

Watering of zucchini growing in rows from a spray can

rbkomar / Getty Images

Your vegetable garden needs water in order to ensure your plants reach their full potential. But creating a watering schedule that keeps your plants happy can be challenging. How often you water your vegetable garden depends on factors that are both within and outside of your control.

To help you create a schedule that works for you, we're sharing a few things to consider when it comes to how often you water your vegetable garden, like the types of varieties you're growing, how dry the soil is, and the area you live in.

Natural Rainfall

Most vegetables need about 1 to 2 inches of water each week, which includes both water you provide as well as rainfall. "Weather will ultimately determine the frequency of watering. As a gardener, you need to be aware of the weather conditions and base the frequency of watering on temperature and rainfall," says Nancy Knauss, state master garden coordinator for Penn State Extension.

This means that some weeks, you may need to water every other day, and others, you might not need to provide extra water at all.

Soil Drainage

Consider what type of soil you have in your garden. "Sandier soils are going to need to be watered more often, just by essence of drainage," says Robert Westerfield, consumer horticulturist with the University of Georgia. "The particle size is larger, so the water goes out." Richer, denser soils hold onto moisture longer, and adding 2 to 3 inches of mulch or compost around your plants can help retain moisture, too. "The more organic matter in your soil, the more moisture the soil will hold," says Knauss.

Soil Dryness

The most effective way to know when it's time to water is to feel the soil, says Westerfield. Remove mulch from the top of the soil then use a trowel to dig about two inches deep. If the soil is completely dry, you should water your vegetable garden.

Time of Day

Watering your vegetable garden at the right time of day is also important, says Chad Massura, the CEO and founder of Rosy Soil. Avoid watering at midday, as this is when the sun is at its peak and will cause the water to evaporate. You also shouldn't, don't water too late in the evening, as this could lead to root rot. Watering your garden first thing in the morning is ideal.

Raised Beds vs. In-Ground Beds

A raised bed will generally lose water quicker than an in-ground bed because you're using amended soil with good drainage. "Their advantage, which is that they drain well, is also their disadvantage—they drain so fast, you need to keep an eye on them," says Westerfield. Ideally, you should water an in-ground bed 1 to 2 inches a week, while a raised bed may require more water per week. Feeling the soil frequently is the best way to gauge when a raised vegetable bed needs watering.

Watering Method

You can decrease your watering needs by using a drip irrigation system that slowly waters the roots for a deeper, longer-lasting soak. "Drip irrigation delivers water directly to the roots of the plants, reducing water loss due to evaporation and runoff," says Massura. It also provides homeowners with the ability to turn individual sections on or off, guaranteeing that vegetables in each section of your garden get exactly the amount of water they need.

If possible, avoid overhead watering from a hose or sprinkler, which soaks the plant's leaves instead of its moisture-hungry roots. "Applying water on the foliage of vegetable plants can increase the occurrence of certain fungal and bacterial diseases, especially when applied late in the day," says Knauss. "In addition, once you have a diseased plant, overhead watering can splash pathogens from the sick plant to the surrounding healthy ones."

Vegetable Varieties

Different vegetable varieties have different water requirements. Tomatoes are a prime example of this. "Some varieties will crack when the plants go through a dry period followed by excessive moisture," Knauss says. "Heavy rainfall or overwatering will cause the tomato to expand faster than the skin can grow, so it splits."

Additionally, there are some drought-resistant varieties of vegetables that can also help reduce water usage. Do research into each variety you're growing in your vegetable garden to ensure their watering needs are being met.

Mulching Efforts

Mulching will help you conserve water in your garden, which means you'll need to water less. And in turn, you'll save time and money. "Mulching helps to retain moisture in the soil by reducing evaporation and suppressing weed growth," says Massura.

Updated by
Nashia Baker
Nashia Baker, Associate Digital Editor for Martha Stewart
Nashia Baker is a skilled writer and editor in the journalism industry, known for her work interviewing global thought leaders, creatives, and activists, from Aurora James to Stacey Abrams. She has over five years of professional experience and has been a part of the Martha Stewart and Martha Stewart Weddings teams for the last 3 years.
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  1. Watering the vegetable garden. University of Minnesota Extension.

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