Little Darlings: Roles for Children


Single Flower Girl

Generally age 3 to 7, she precedes the bride down the aisle, either scattering petals or carrying a mini bouquet or flower basket.

Multiple Flower Girls

Same duties as above; a larger group often includes older girls who sub for bridesmaids.

Ring Bearer

A boy, 3 to 7, who walks the aisle before the flower girl, carrying stand-ins for the rings on a cushion.


At formal weddings, boys age 4 to 7 who hold the bride's train as she walks down the aisle.

Junior Bridesmaids and Groomsmen

Children age 8 to 12 who perform the same duties as their older counterparts (short of attending bachelor or bachelorette parties).

More Options

Ushers, readers, guest-book attendants, candle-lighters, bubble blowers, and others.

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