Five Annoying Behaviors Wedding Guests Should Avoid No Matter What

First things first: Thoroughly read the couple's invitation and wedding website before you reach out with questions.

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Photo: Bottega53

Every couple has their own set of pet peeves when it comes to planning their wedding, but the following faux-pas are sure to fire up any couple on their wedding day (or in the weeks leading up to the big event). If you want to stay in the couple's good graces, we recommend avoiding these surprisingly common actions.

Skipping Over Accessible Resources

Duos spend a lot of time and effort setting up avenues of clear communication so guests have every logistical question answered ahead of time. Not sure when to arrive at the reception? Check the wedding website. Don't know where the couple registered? Chances are—you guessed it!—it's on the wedding website. When any event-related question comes up, you can almost always find an answer on the invitation inserts, wedding website, or day-of welcome letter. And if you are truly can't close the loop on a need-to-know query? Connect with the couple's wedding planner on the day of the event—or try calling the venue ahead of time, should you need further information on parking or local childcare.

RSVPing Incorrectly

Many guests believe that a text or email counts as an RSVP, but unless those methods were identified on the reply card, it's best to send your RSVP note back the way it came: in the mail. Do so in a timely manner, since the last thing a bride- or groom-to-be wants is to spend the last few weeks before their nuptials chasing down responses.

Bringing an Unexpected Guest

Etiquette debates surrounding plus-ones are common, but there's always a straightforward answer: If an attendee was not explicitly invited to bring a guest of their own, it is inappropriate to show up with one. Going against these guidelines causes day-of chaos: The scramble to accommodate an additional seat, meal, and more adds unnecessary pressure and stress on the couple—on a day that is supposed to be happy and care-free. As for how to know if you have been granted a plus-one? Your invitation will include "and guest" on the address line; if this is the case, be sure that you RSVP for two, as well, to lock-in your guest.

Getting in the Way of the Photographer

The couple hired a photographer to capture as many candid moments and loved ones' faces as possible throughout the ceremony and reception. If you are also trying to take all those snapshots on your phone or personal camera, you will likely be in the way of their paid expert. Unless the newlyweds have specifically tasked you with capturing some iPhone images or videos, leave the photography in the capable hands of the professionals.

Hogging the Couple or VIP Family Members

Not only is it impolite to monopolize the couple of the hour—who has many guests to greet—but bombarding their parents with compliments and too-long conversation is equally frowned upon. There are a lot of friends and family these VIPs need to visit with, and you don't want to be the reason a long unseen cousin didn't get a chance to say hello.

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